The Chevrolet Beat will be launched in India in 2017. It is entirely not a new model but is a refined and advanced model. The new will have updated exterior and interior features. However, the engine specifications almost remain the same. You can observe a complete makeover in the new model.
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Comparison Between the Exterior of Chevrolet Beat Old and New
The new Chevrolet Beat has new headlamps and a bumper. It has a two-piece grille but has a difference in its shape. There is some similarity between the lower part of the grille and air dam below. These resemble the older model. When you observe the new model from the side, it is very difficult to point out the difference.
The number plate has moved to the bumper. The new model appears to be grown up. The main exterior features of the new car are like the new front bumper, grille, refreshed rear and the new taillights.
Comparison Between the Internal Features of Chevrolet Beat Old and The New One
There are a few changes in the engine too. The entertainment system is accompanied with a new touchscreen. The main modification in the new model is the new touchscreen, a multifunctional steering wheel, and a revised instrument console.
Specifications Comparisons Chevrolet Beat old Vs New
The new model will be using the 1. 2 L petrol engine and 1.0 L diesel engine. But there is an improvement inefficiency. Changes will be seen in power output and there will be an increase in the mileage. A slight increase in fuel efficiency can be observed. The new model dimensions are the same only a few cosmetic changes are visible.
The looks of the new Beat 2017 are amazing. A refinement can be seen in the external and internal features. It is a modified version of the old one. However, engine options are the same. The expected prices are Rs. 3.90 lakhs. So, after having enough information about both of these models, it becomes easier to decide regarding the purchase of these cars.