Should you possess a auto detailing business, pressure washing company or mobile vehicle wash you may decide to consider periodic cleaning of vehicle dealership lots. This is very lucrative because it is a higher-volume periodic business. Most vehicle dealerships rinse their cars on their own lots two times per week. Some three occasions per week and also at minimum they are fully aware they have to clean these cars at least one time each week. Dirty cars don’t sell and vehicle dealerships know this.
We are in the industry of washing fleets of vehicles. We’ve been within the washing business for more than two decades. Our dealership division specializes lot washing as well as in new and pre-owned vehicle detailing. If you’re able to secure all washing contract there’s a strong possibility that you are able to eventually bundle detailing services in to the loop. What in the event you charge for lot washing? Well, 20% under those of your competition, you’ll make your hard earned money by securing the whole dealership row through economies of scale. In certain markets where weather is a problem, you will need to charge up to $1.50 per vehicle and $1.90 for every Sports utility vehicle per wash in particular dealerships and small used vehicle lots as much as $2.50.
When you secure the detailing contract you may decide to charge:
Used Vehicle Detailing $79.00 each vehicle (Engine, Interior, Exterior)
New Vehicle Preparation $25.00 each vehicle (For Your Specs.)
Customer Vehicle Washing Nine Dollars.00 each vehicle (Complete Wash)
Lot Washing two times per week $ .85 each vehicle (If Requested)
You need to alert your Auto Dealership customers that:
* You are able to wash at the time and duration of their choice.
* Every vehicle is going to be completely dried off so there won’t be any water spots!
* They’re going to have convenient monthly invoicing itemized by vehicle number
* That you’re professional and friendly clean cut crews
* That the crews are top class outfit with new equipment
* That your small business is fully insured! ($a million total liability)
* You supply our very own water!